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Sxx, Sxy, and Syy Equations


The Sxx, Sxy, and Syy equations are given below. These formulas can be used to calculate the values of Sxx, Sxy, and Syy which are very useful quantities.

Sxx, Sxy, and Syy Equations (Formula):

The Sxx, Sxy, and Syy Equations are,

Sxx = ∑(Xi – X̅)2.

Sxy = Σ (Xi – X̄)(Yi – Ȳ).

Syy = Σ(Yi – Ȳ)2.

  • Here, the sum Σ is taken over all the xi and yi data values from i=1 to i=n.
  • xi denotes the given data values of the variable X.
  • denotes the mean/average of the X data values.
  • yi denotes the given data values of the variable Y.
  • Ȳ denotes the mean/average of the x data values.

Sxx Formula:

As stated above the Sxx value can be calculated using the formula,

Sxx = ∑(Xi – X̅)2.

Alternatively, we can also use the following alternative formula,

Sxx = (∑Xi2) – n*X̅2.

The proof of the fact that both these formulas are equal can be found here.

Sxy Formula:

The Sxy value can be calculated using the formula,

Sxy = Σ (Xi – X̄)(Yi – Ȳ).

Alternatively, we can also use the following alternative formula,

Sxy = (∑ XiYi) – n*X̅Ȳ.

It is a fact that both these formulas give the same result.

Syy Formula:

The Syy formula is the same as the Sxx formula with the variable Y in place of the variable X.

Syy = ∑(YiȲ)2.

Alternatively, we have

Syy = (∑Yi2) – n*Ȳ2.

We summarize the formulas below.

Sxx Sxy Syy Equations
Sxx Sxy Syy Equations

Related Articles:

  1. Sxx, Sxy, and Syy Calculator.
  2. How to Find Sxx (with Examples & Formula).
  3. How to Calculate Sxy (Formula & Examples).
Sxx, Sxy, and Syy Equations
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Sxx, Sxy, and Syy Equations
The Sxx, Sxy, and Syy Equations are: Sxx = ∑(Xi - X̅)^2 Sxy = Σ (Xi – X̄)(Yi - Ȳ) Syy = Σ(Yi - Ȳ)^2.

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