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0.1875 as a Fraction – Step by Step Reduction


The value of 0.1875 as a fraction is equal to 3/16. We first write 0.1875 as 1875/10000 and then cancel the common factors in a step by step manner as shown below.

0.1875 converted from decimal to fraction form

Step by Step Explanation:

Step 1: Since 0.1875 has four digits to the right of the decimal point we shall have four zeroes in the denominator. So we can write,

0.1875 = 1875/10000.

Step 2: Cancel the common factor 5 in both the numerator and the denominator.

0.1875 = 375/2000.

Step 3: Once again 5 is a common factor on both the numerator and denominator which can be canceled on both the numerator and denominator.

0.1875 = 75/400.

Step 4: We continue canceling the common factors. Notice that 5 occurs as a common factor twice so we cancel five in this step and the next step.

0.1875 = 15/80.

Step 5: Dividing both the numerator and denominator by 5.

0.1875 = 3/16.

The final answer is, 0.1875 = 3/16.

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0.1875 as a Fraction - Step by Step Reduction
The value of 0.1875 as a fraction is equal to 3/16. We first write 0.1875 as 1875/10000 and then cancel the common factors in a step by step manner as shown below.
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