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How many Ounces are 2 liters?


Note that 2 liters are equal to 67.628 fluid ounces.

Notice that we are using fluid ounces instead of ounces because an ounce is a unit of weight whereas liters is a unit of volume. On the other hand, a fluid ounce is indeed a unit of volume so the conversion makes sense.

Two Types of Fluid Ounces:

Note that the above conversion is valid assuming that we wish to convert to the US fluid ounces.

There are two types of fluid ounces – US Fluid Ounce units and UK/Imperial Fluid Ounce units. The imperial ounce unit is widely used in the UK and other Commonwealth countries.

If we want to express 2 liters in terms of imperial fluid ounces then 2 liters is equal to 70.39 imperial fluid ounces.

Converting liters to US Fluid Ounces and vice versa:

  1. In order to convert liters to US Fluid Ounces, we must multiply the volume value by 33.814. So as mentioned above we can convert 2 liters to ounces.
    • 2 liters = 2 x 33.814 fluid ounces = 67.628 fluid ounces.
  2. In order to convert US Fluid Ounces to liters, we must multiply the volume value by 1000 and then divide the result by 29.5.

Converting liters to Imperial Fluid Ounces and vice versa:

  1. In order to convert liters to Imperial Fluid Ounces, we must multiply the volume value by 35.195. So as mentioned above we can convert 2 liters to ounces.
    • 2 liters = 2 x 35.195 fluid ounces = 70.3902 fluid ounces.
  2. In order to convert Imperial Fluid Ounces to liters, we must multiply the volume value by 1000 and then divide the result by 28.4.
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How many Ounces is 2 liters?
Note that 2 liters are equal to 67.628 fluid ounces.

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