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Multinomial Distribution Calculator (with Examples)

The multinomial distribution calculator allows us to calculate the probabilities associated with random variables obeying the multinomial distribution. Let Xi (i=1,2,…,k) denote the random variables. Let pi denote the probability that outcome ‘i’ occurs in a...

Multinomial Coefficient Calculator (with Examples)

The multinomial calculator allows us to calculate the coefficients that occur in the multinomial expansion of a polynomial. It is calculated using the formula, #InputDiv { color: black; font-family: inherit; max-width: 550px; margin: 25px auto; line-height: 1.75; padding-left: 100px; } .InputText { font-family:...

Sampling Distribution Calculator

It oftentimes happens in statistical studies that one is required to study a sample taken from a large population. Since the sample is chosen randomly, it is clear that the sample mean is a...

Residual Sum of Squares Caculator

The residual sum of squares refers to the sum of the squares of differences between the actual and the predicted values in a regression model. The calculator below finds the residual sum of squares...

Triangular Distribution Calculator

The triangular distribution is a well known continuous probability distribution. It is called the triangular distribution because the shape of its probability density function is triangular. This distribution is applied mostly in business simulations...

Z Score Cut-Off Calculator

The Z score cut-off calculator gives us the value needed to be attained by a variable to lie over a certain percentile. For example, suppose that a student wants to know how many marks...

Compare Z Scores Calculator

Whenever we are comparing two different data sets, we must be careful and make sure that the data has been appropriately standardized in order to make the comparison valid. Data values coming from two...

Bonferroni Correction Calculator

A multiple-comparison correction known as the Bonferroni correction is applied when several dependent or independent statistical tests are run concurrently (since while a given alpha value alpha may be appropriate for each individual comparison,...

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