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Z score to P value Calculator


The Z score refers to the value of the Z statistic that is obtained when performing any of the tests used to check for the equality of two means. It is also obtained when trying to check if the mean is equal to a particular value.

The p-value allows us to make a decision about whether to reject the null hypothesis or accept the null hypothesis. If the p-value is smaller than the level of significance we reject the null hypothesis, otherwise we accept the null hypothesis. The p-value also depends on whether we conduct a one-sided or two-sided test.

One-tailed or two-tailed hypothesis?

Significance level

P-value: 0.38209

The result is NOT SIGNIFICANT at p < 0.05

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I'm currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Maths. Prior to this, I completed my master's in Maths & bachelors in Statistics.

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